Alas, it has been awhile since our last post in October. An indicator, perhaps of our own slothful approach to life, or, more accurately, we have been way too busy to bother singing our praises.
So things roll along for Juster Pope Frazier, we are deep into the Nichols Campus Center construction documents having received initial budgets from our construction manager, the inimitable brothers Lauring at Lauring Construction, Worcester, MA.
We have been shortlisted and suitably interviewed for a historic adaptive reuse project for American International College in Springfield, MA. Waiting on final decisions on that one, though to our mind.... The selection process remains still a mystery to me. Do not spindle, fold or mutilate, as the saying goes.
February 8 brings presentation on the "Making of the Carle" for Ignite Amherst, one of a series of presentations that night on making things to be held in the auditorium of the Carle. How convenient is that. Initial gnashing of teeth accompanied by the customary self loathing is usually a precursor to what should be an interesting evening and an entertaining five minutes on my part.