May 27, 2008

After thirty seven years in Shelburne Falls, Juster Pope Frazier has moved its studio to 82 North Street in Northampton. Our move has been pretty quiet, maybe unduly so, several folks have commented that we need to let people know where we are. Truth of the matter is, we're doing quite well and there may be a time when I regret saying this, but I like the fact that we are letting our work speak for itself, basically ignoring all of the marketing wisdom. For the moment, we've got great clients, great projects and great enthusiasm for what we're doing. I like the size of our office, the people I work with and the work we are doing. There is a certain freedom and flexibility to staying the size we are, we don't have to take everything that walks down our path.
In other news, Nelson Geis, one of our project managers, and his wife, Alissa, had a baby boy this weekend. We expect Nelson back in a week or two.