First National Bank Renovations and Nichols Student Center

We continue a frenzied pace on the renovation / restoration work for the First National Bank building in Greenfield. Budget pricing by the construction manager, Mowry and Schmidt, is due within a weeks time. We're thrilled with the potential of this project and hopeful that construction will begin in early November 2010.

As quickly as we are polishing up the FNB project, we're also beginning work on a new 28,000 student center at Nichols College in Dudley MA. This will be our third substantive project at Nichols, preceded by two new suite residence halls completed in September 2008 and September 2009. The new Student Center will be located just uphill of the Copper Beech residence halls, offering us a unique opportunity to define and clarify the architectural language of the central campus.

Carle Museum in Business West

One of the better local business magazines, Business West, includes a nicely written article about the Carle Museum in Amherst, one of our offspring. It's not often that architects get mentioned in articles about buildings but Business West got it right. Here is the link:

"The Carle Balances Exhibition, Education and Celebration of Artwork"

Kudos to the author of the article, Dan Chase. Dan also wrote about Juster Pope Frazier and the local economy back in May 2010. He is a good one and we are very grateful for his talents.

August 2, 2010

We're just finishing up at UMASS New Africa House after nine months of construction. Thanks to Jacquie Scott, project architect, Scott Tulay and Jane Spooner for persevering. We played a bit with materials and color on this project and we're quite thrilled with the results. Thanks, as always, to UMASS Facilities, Yvonne Kielb and Tom Shaw in particular, for keeping it local.

We're also very pleased and excited to welcome Maria Chao to Juster Pope Frazier. Maria will be working with us on the Nichols Student Center and the First National Bank Renovations, both of which will be subjects of this intermittent blog.

July 1, 2010

Amongst several other projects, we're presently working on fundraising images for the new Greenfield YMCA Aquatics Center. The addition features expansive areas of south facing glass and a four lane pool. The final design and renderings is scheduled to be completed in September.

June 27, 2010

First National Bank Restoration

We're in the thick of it now, working on renovations of the First National Bank in Greenfield. The building, built in 1929 and abandoned in 1975 has been a continuous icon for the lack of interest and money in downtown Greenfield. That's changing and we're absolutely ecstatic to be front and center for the rebirth of this building. A whole lot of meat left on this bone. We'll be setting up a separate blog for this baby. Keep an eye out.

April 2, 2010

We are seeing a noticeable uptick in project inquiries, though financing does seem a bit difficult to get a handle on for some of our clients. Over the years, spring thaw does tend to get folks looking to build, though by that time, it can be a bit late to offset the added costs of winter conditions. It's interesting that clients really don't understand the timing and complexity of architectural design work, lack of information and education the most likely culprits.

We'll know in the next week whether pressure is on to generate more work. Though able to maintain a steady workload, it's always good to know that you don't have to "find work" and have the flexibility to be a bit more selective of what we do and what we pursue.

That said, general contractors remain quite slow... I suspect that this will change in the six to eight months between project inquiry to starting construction. So, if you can afford to build, now is the time to act.

January 17, 2010

Returning to AIGA website has become an infrequent ritual and a great source of inspiration. There is always something there of great interest and insight, be it video of David Carson, a massive archive of past work, or an incredible presentation by Bill Strickland. Turn of the year, the decade, further introspection as to what is successful, as to what is interesting. Elizabeth Coleman, president of Bennington College has her act together:

December 23, 2009

Attended a historic preservation seminar down in Hartford presented by Donovan Rypkema, we traveled from Springfield to Hartford via train. It was a long, cold day but the information provided and lessons learned were substantial and enduring. Upon our return, I was greeted with news that the Massachusetts Historic Commission had decided not to award tax credits for a project we are working on.... la luta continua.... as the saying goes, revise and resubmit. Life continues to have its ironies.

December 6, 2009

One of our longtime clients used the phrase "that's the reality of the new economy". I know they want to do this project, he calls me every three months for the last fifteen months looking for another approach or another location all in reaction to the new economy. I suppose that building a new building is much like taking on a new employee, you may want to do it, you may need to do it, but you just can't quite pull the trigger.

November 18, 2009

The dust has settled on the November Hillside Salon, held last night at the Carle Museum. All in all, there were approximately 12o people attending with great food, wine and discussion for all. Many thanks to fellow presenters: Kate Geis, David Gloman, Mike Mazur and Stephen Petegorsky, Sabine Holub and Alix Kennedy, exec. direct of the Carle.

The George W. Bush Library design was revealed today, Robert Stern architect. At first glance, I thought I was looking at a piece of the Kremlin, swear to God, totally unbiased. Maybe, I am the only one that picked up on this, maybe my vision of the Kremlin is wrong. I suspect though that someone seriously missed the boat on this one.

November 15, 2009

There was a memorial service for Austin Miller this afternoon. Austin died November 6, 2009. I only met Austin twice, each time he struck me as a gracious, good humored and dedicated professional with an enormous wealth of knowledge, competence and confidence. I read of his death from an email announcing the memorial service, and though I barely knew the man, I was stunned and saddened by the loss.

November 1, 2009

Juster Pope Frazier has been invited to present their work at the November 17, 2009 Hillside Salon, taking place at the Eric Carle Museum in Amherst at 6 pm. The Salon, sponsored and hosted by Sabine Holub, presents the work of five local artists using the Pecha Kucha format, twenty images, twenty seconds per image. The November Salon will be the third in the series and will include painter Daniel Schrade, documentary filmaker Kate Geis, and photographer Stephen Petegorsky.

We continue working on the Nichols Student Center, renovations and additions to the South Deerfield branch of Greenfield Savings Bank and designs for a new building for the Community Health Center of Franklin County, all projects in the earliest stages of schematic design.

Nichols College

Juster Pope Frazier has been selected as architects for the new Nichols College Student Center. The project will infill between the Lombard Dining Hall and Alumni Hall creating a new dining and gathering space at the heart of the campus. We anticipate a Spring construction start, like all campus projects, moments after graduation ends the construction begins. We've also begun initial schematics for a new 24,000 square foot health center and this winter is shaping up.

October 3, 2009

Scott Tulay and I have been working on schematic designs for a new student center at Nichols College in anticpation of an October 16 presentation to the Nichols Board of Trustees. After finishing three years of dormitory planning and construction, we'd like nothing better than to extend our relationship with this fine school in central Massachusetts.

Jacquie Scott has just begun construction administration on UMASS New Africa House renovations, and Jane Spooner is busy with construction administration work on the Tully Fire Station and a project at Greenfield Community College.


It has been a year now since the great demise, the tanking of the global economy and we are doing fine. Are we lucky that we are a relatively small office doing decent sized projects for great clients? I have this habit of trying to step outside my normal point of view to try and see just what it is we're doing and what it is we've done. I think that is a healthy habit to have. So... here is what we have done since December 2005, in no particular order.

Anna Maria College Coghlin Residence Hall, Anna Maria College Fuller Fitness Center, Nichols College Copper Beech Suite Residence Halls and Quadrangle, Village Congregational Church, Wesley United Methodist Church, Luso Federal Credit Union, Tully Fire Station, WFCR Springfield Studio, Northampton Senior Center, Mary McColgan Housing, UMASS Transit Center, UMASS New Africa House, DA Sullivan Offices, Juster Pope Frazier Offices.

On the boards: Community Health Center of Franklin County, First National Bank Renovation and Restoration, St. John's Athletics Fieldhouse and Fitness Center and the United Methodist Church of Enfield.

So we've been busy.

UMASS projects

We're almost ready to start construction administration on the New Africa House project at UMASS. The General Contractor will be Fontaine Brothers of Springfield, a good GC who we have worked with on several projects in the past.

We're also working hard to give back to the University, given our twenty plus years of working together on a wide range of projects. Juster Pope Frazier was the prime underwriter for the Warhol Benefit Party at the University Gallery held September 12. The party benefited the University Gallery Student Intern Scholarship Fund enabling students to work at the Gallery.

Concurrently, we've been working with Sabine Holub and the University Gallery to set up a monthly artists salon at Hillside, the UMASS Chancellor's Residence. Our first event is Tuesday, September 15. Here's a link to a recent article: We're very hopeful that this monthly salon will serve to connect local artists and the University while creating an online archive of local work.

Latest from Juster Pope Frazier

We're just starting work on renovations and additions to the United Methodist Church of Enfield anticipating a Spring 2010 construction start on what's shaping up to be an interesting and challenging project.

Also, the First National Bank renovations and adaptive re-use project in Greenfield may finally be getting some legs. The project includes five new stadium style theaters, a new entry and bar space and concession spaces. After three years of predevelopment work, we're hopeful that this project is going to move ahead this fall with construction beginning in Spring 2010.

The New Africa House renovations at UMASS were successfully bid, Fontaine Bros. of Springfield will begin this work in early October with anticipated completion August 2010.

Our many trips to Nichols College over the last three years have come to an end with completion of the second of two residence halls there. The project, two parallel buildings framing a formal quadrangle, creates a new center for the campus. All in all, a very successful project and at $50,000 per bed, well under the median costs for suite style housing of this sort.

News at JPF

Despite a great interview, we struck out on the Tisbury Fire Station, " a very close second place". Note to selection committees, it's alot easier if we are told that we weren't selected as opposed to almost selected. No one wants to hear that their on the losing end of a four to three vote. 

Moving on, we are very excited about short list interviews for the Hilltown Cooperative Charter School next week.  The school patterns its curriculum after Reggio Emilia methods, we remain intrigued with the possibilities there and inspired with their vision.

We are also beginning renovation and restoration work for the Franklin County Community Development Corporation and their First National Bank building on Bank Row in downtown Greenfield.

Concurrently, we are about to begin construction on the Chicopee Health Center Pharmacy and renovations for the Community Health Center of Franklin County, and a historic preservation project for Nichols College. Our eight million dollars, 130 bed dormitories at Nichols are quickly coming to a close with completion mid July, 2009. 


Juster Pope Frazier was one of four firms shortlisted for the new Tisbury emergency services facility on Martha's Vineyard. We've completed ten fire stations, are just beginning construction on Tully Station, our eleventh station, and we'd like nothing better than to include Tisbury as our twelfth.

Moving Forward

We anticipate groundbreaking on the new Tully Fire Station for mid April.  The successful bidder, Five Star Building Corporation, is pulling together paperwork and contracts to see the project underway soon. Well drilling, by Cushing and Sons of Keene NH has been completed on the site. The new fire station, once complete, will include a new 10KW photovoltaic array on the south roof slope. A volunteer station, we expect that the photovoltaics will be able to carry much of the minimal electric loads required when the building is unoccupied.

We are also just beginning work for renovations and barrier free improvements at New Africa House on the UMASS campus. We anticipate that this project will be out to bid relatively quickly in order to capitalize on the current bid climate. 

Juster Pope Frazier continues its support in the community. We've just finished our work with UMASS Architecture and the Dunbar Community Center in Springfield, contributions to non profits include the Village Congregational Church and the Greenfield Community YMCA.